Tax Identification Number (NPWP) and Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN)

Tax Identification Number (NPWP) :
NPWP is a Tax Identification Number issued by the Directorate General of Taxes to taxpayers in Indonesia. It is used for all types of tax administration, including tax filing and reporting. Every individual or business entity earning income in Indonesia is required to have an NPWP.

Electronic Filing Identification Number (EFIN) :
EFIN is an identification number provided by the Directorate General of Taxes for the purpose of submitting taxes electronically through the official tax portal. EFIN functions as a key or verification tool for taxpayers when accessing e-filing services to submit their annual tax returns (SPT) or other tax obligations online.

Why Are NPWP and EFIN Important ?
NPWP is essential for individuals and business entities to fulfill their tax obligations in Indonesia. Having an NPWP allows you to follow tax procedures more easily and ensures that your tax reports are orderly and in compliance with applicable laws.

With EFIN, the tax reporting process becomes faster, safer, and more efficient since it is conducted online. EFIN safeguards the confidentiality of taxpayer data and simplifies the process of submitting tax returns without the need to visit the tax office in person.

To activate EFIN, taxpayers must register at the nearest tax office by providing supporting documents such as NPWP, an ID card (KTP), and an active email address. Once EFIN is active, taxpayers can electronically file their taxes through e-filing.
By having both NPWP and EFIN, you can manage your tax obligations more easily and in accordance with Indonesian government regulations.

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