Expatriate Documents (SKSKPS, SKTT, STM, etc)

Expatriate Documents are essential papers required by expatriates (foreigners living and working in another country) to comply with immigration regulations and local laws. In Indonesia, some of the commonly required documents for expatriates include :

Surat Tanda Melapor (STM) :
STM is a document issued by the local police as proof that the expatriate has reported themselves in their place of residence. This document is important to show that the expatriate’s presence has been registered according to Indonesian immigration regulations.

Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal (SKTT) :
SKTT is a document issued by the Department of Population and Civil Registration, serving as proof of residence for expatriates living in Indonesia. This document is needed for various administrative purposes, including the extension of residence permits.

KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) :
KITAS is a temporary residence permit granted to expatriates who work or live in Indonesia for a certain period. KITAS is also often used by accompanying family members.

KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) :
 KITAP is a permanent residence permit given to expatriates who have lived in Indonesia for a longer duration, usually after holding a KITAS for several years.

IMTA (Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing) :
IMTA is a permit that companies must have when employing foreign workers in Indonesia. This document proves that the company has been authorized by the government to employ expatriates.

VITAS (Visa Izin Tinggal Terbatas) :
VITAS is a visa granted to expatriates to enter Indonesia and stay for a limited period. Upon arrival in Indonesia, VITAS is usually converted into a KITAS.

These documents are necessary to ensure that expatriates can live and work legally in Indonesia, in accordance with applicable regulations. Without these documents, expatriates may face legal issues or difficulties in obtaining residence or work permits in Indonesia.

Trust Your Documents to Harmony
Harmony is your trusted partner for document processing and creation services, offering the best solutions to facilitate administrative processes and meet immigration requirements. Trust your document needs to Harmony, which has extensive experience in this field. Therefore, make sure to promptly handle your STM and other documents upon arriving in Indonesia to ensure that all administrative processes, including the application for KITAS, proceed smoothly.

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